We’ve been given the green light to reopen with Phase 2! There will be some temporary changes to class times and our format so we can best serve our members while following the guidelines set for us, and provide a clean, comfortable setting. We will still offer online classes in conjunction with our on site classes for those who aren’t quite ready to come back. Stay tuned for our updates and announcements in the coming days which will help us prepare for reopening. In the meantime we’ll be working hard to get the gym ready for your return!
In the meantime, you will want to try logging into your account which we use for billing and signing-in, to make sure you have access. If not, send an email to [email protected] so I can give you access. This is important because you will be registering for classes during Phase 2. Below is a video on how to sign in and recover your password:
Perform 3 Rounds of “Tabata” (:20 on :10 off) for each of the following movements:
Jumping jacks
Mountain climbers
Jump squat
3 Sets:
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang power clean
3 Inchworms
7 Minute AMRAP:
10 Power Cleans
10 Burpees
Equipment scaling & modifications
Power cleans
Use any weighted object(s). If all else fails, use a weighted back back.