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Beginning Friday, CrossFit will be hosting an online competition similar to the CrossFit Open. The competition will feature three workouts which can be completed at home. Registration is free. Click HERE to learn more!
1 Minute jog, row, bike, jumps rope, jog in place
3 Sets:
5 Single arm strict shoulder press, any object
10 Sit-Ups
Lateral Panther Crawl x 5 steps in each direction
EMOM for 10 Minutes
Station 1 – :30 HS Hold or :30 Push-up Plank Hold
Station 2 – Single Arm DB Row x 8 Reps each arm
Complete the Following for Time:
40 Ground-to-Overhead
*Perform 5 Burpees every minute, starting at the 1:00 mark.
Use any object available to you. Barbell, Log, Weighted Back Pack, DB’s, KB’s etc…