Tuesday 3/31/2020

We’ve added new interactive online class times! Click HERE to sign-up!

Use our code: NXNW736 to create a free account for Beyond the Whiteboard! This a way to log your workouts on your phone and connect with others form our gym. Click HERE to get started!


15 Calf Raises
2 Lunge Matrix each leg (1 rep = forward, side, reverse )
10 Air Squats
:15 Running High Knees
:15 kipping High Knees
3 Inchworms



Complete the Following for Time:

400 Meter Run
50 Air Squats
10 Walking Lunges
400 Meter Run
40 Air Squats
20 Walking Lunges
400 Meter Run
30 Air Squats
30 Walking Lunges
400 Meter Run
20 Air Squats
40 Walking Lunges
400 Meter Run
10 Air Squats
50 Walking Lunges

22 Minute Time Cap

*Wear weighted back pack or vest for an extra challenge.

Equipment Scaling & Modifications


Row 500, bike 20 Cals, 100 alternating leg single Unders, or 50 jumping jacks


Stationary lunges if you don’t have room to perform them walking.