Tuesday 2/16/2021


3 Sets:

20 Single Unders
6 Dynamic Pigeons
3 Inchworms


Strict Shoulder Press x 7 Reps
Single Arm DB Row x 4 Reps
Strict Shoulder Press x 5 Reps
Single Arm DB Row x 4 Reps
Strict Shoulder Press x 3 Reps
Single Arm DB Row x 4 Reps
Strict Shoulder Press x 3 Reps
Single Arm DB Row x 4 Reps
Strict Shoulder Press x 2 Reps
Single Arm DB Row x 4 Reps

Try to increase weight each set for the shoulder press.


8 Minute AMRAP:

75 Double-Unders

Then, With the Remaining Timeā€¦

5 Single Arm DB OH Lunge, Right Arm 50/35
5 Single Arm DB OH Lunge, Left Arm
5 Burpees Over DB