2 Sets:
:30 Jumping Jacks
:30 Plank Hold
:30 Air Squats
:30 Shoulder Taps
:30 Squat Hold
Rest :10 – :15 between each movement
EMOM for 15 Minutes (5 sets):
Station 1 – Floor Press x 10-15 Reps
Station 2 – Hang to Overhead x 5
Station 3 – Backpack Bear Hug Squat x 10
Rest 3 Minutes
Complete Two Rounds for Time:
10 Floor Press
10 Hang to Overhead
10 Backpack Bear Hug Squat
Equipment Scaling and Modification:
Floor Press
Use DB’s, barbell, kettle bells, sandbag, backpack or any weighted object. If you’re unable to find an object, perform 10 hand release push-ups.
Hang to Overhead
Use DB’s, barbell, kettle bells, sandbag, backpack or any weighted object.
Backpack Bear Hug Squat
Replace with front squats using any weighted object. DB’s, barbell, kettle bells etc…