Thursday 11/5/2020


3 Sets:

:20 Plank
5 Single Arm DB Deadlifts, each arm
5 Single Arm DB Push Press, each arm
8 Reverse Lunges


15 Minute AMRAP:

2 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch 50/35
2 Burpees
2 DB Reverse Lunges 20/35 (single DB)
4 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
4 Burpees
4 DB Reverse Lunges
6 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
6 Burpees
6 DB Reverse Lunges
8 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch
8 Burpees
8 DB Reverse Lunges

Keep in creasing reps by increments of two until time expires.
For lunges, carry the DB anyway you can.

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