We’ve added new interactive online class times! Click HERE to sign-up!
Use our code: NXNW736 to create a free account for Beyond the Whiteboard! This a way to log your workouts on your phone and connect with others form our gym. Click HERE to get started!
3 Sets:
:15 Slow Air Squats
:15 Bear Crawl
:15 Reverse Snow Angels
EMOM for 10 Minutes
Station 1 – Front Squat x 7 Reps
Station 2 – Tuck-Ups x 10 Reps
- Use a backpack, barbell, DB’s, KB’s, water jugs, or any weighted object for the Front Squats.
CrossFit Open Workout “12.1”
7 Minute AMRAP:
Burpees to a 6″ Target