Friday 6/25/2021


3 Sets:

10 PVC Overhead Squats
10 PVC Pass-through Lunges
10 Mountain Climbers
6 Dynamic Scorpions


Complete 5 Sets:

Snatch x 3 Reps 70%


Row 500 meters for time (max effort)


Row the amount of time it took to complete your first effort. Record the distance.


Row the distance you completed during your second effort. Record the time it takes.

Rest 3 Minutes between each set

Score example: 1:40, 480m, 1:45

Compare to: 5/7/2021


Sweat Class

Warm up

3 Sets

10 jacks
10 banded side steps
10 bow and arrows
10 pineapple pickers


21 Minute AMRAP:

Complete 10 mountain climbers/ grasshoppers every 3 min.

10 KBS
10 DB step ups
10 dips
100 m jog/125m row/ 5 cal bike