
Tomorrow’s scheduled classes: 8:30 Sweat, 9:30, 10:30. Stay tuned for updates and possibly some additional afternoon classes. We’ll see what tomorrow’s storm does and go from there. Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill 5@75%3@77%3@80%2@85%5@75% WOD Complete a 9 Minute AMRAP: 8 C2B Pull-Ups15 Thrusters 75/558 Box Jumps 24/20
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We’ll have classes at 10&11 am Sunday to make up for Saturday’s snow day! WOD Teams of two, complete 5 rounds for time: 50 Calorie Row or Bike50 Burpees
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We’ll be closing at 5:00 tonight due to snow! Come workout until then! Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 5 sets of Power Snatch from the following positions: High Hang + Below Knee + Ground Octopi Complete 5 sets of Snatch from the following positions: High Hang + Below Knee + Ground WOD Dungeness Complete a 10 Minute AMRAP: 12 Goblet Squat 70/5312 Pull-Ups24 Double-Unders Octopi Complete a 10 Minute AMRAP: 12 OHS 95/6512 C2B Pull-Ups24 Double-Unders
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What is the NXNW Intramural? The CrossFit NXNW Intramural is a way for everyone at NXNW to participate in the fun of the 2019 CrossFit Games Open.  Participants will be divided into 5 teams, when our team captains draft the teams. These teams will be competing against each other for a prize at the end of the 2019 Open. What is the CrossFit Games Open? The 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games Open is the largest fitness competition on Earth and an exciting showcase of the CrossFit community. Anyone can sign up to compete in five workouts over five weeks and post their scores online. When & Where? The Open workouts will take place at CrossFit NXNW during class times, every Friday from February 22nd-March 22ndth. Why should I sign-up for the CrossFit Open? It’s fun! PR’s! Almost everyone who participates ends up surprising themselves in some way. Eat, train, and live healthier! We tend...
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Dungeness & Octopi Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 8@65%6@75%4@80%3@85%2@90%10@50% WOD Complete 4 sets for max reps: 30 Seconds of DB Front Squats 50/35Rest 30 Seconds30 Seconds of Toes-to-BarRest 30 Seconds30 Seconds of Burpee Box Jumps 24/20Rest 30 Seconds
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