
Warm-Up 3 Sets: 20 Single Unders6 Dynamic Pigeons3 Inchworms Strength/Skill Strict Shoulder Press x 7 RepsSingle Arm DB Row x 4 RepsStrict Shoulder Press x 5 RepsSingle Arm DB Row x 4 RepsStrict Shoulder Press x 3 RepsSingle Arm DB Row x 4 RepsStrict Shoulder Press x 3 RepsSingle Arm DB Row x 4 RepsStrict Shoulder Press x 2 RepsSingle Arm DB Row x 4 Reps Try to increase weight each set for the shoulder press. WOD 8 Minute AMRAP: 75 Double-Unders Then, With the Remaining Time… 5 Single Arm DB OH Lunge, Right Arm 50/355 Single Arm DB OH Lunge, Left Arm5 Burpees Over DB
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 10 Sit-Ups10 Pineapple Pickers20 Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill 5 Sets: 3 Cleans + 3 Front Squats @ 65% of Clean 1RM WOD 3 Minute AMRAP: Man Makers 50/35 Rest 2 Minutes 3 Minute AMRAP: Row For Calories Score = Total Reps _____________________________________________________________ Sweat Class Warm up 2 Sets: :30 jog10 pineapple pickers:15 plank hold5 squats5 reverse lunges WOD Every 3 min. 20 double unders/40 jacks 9 min AMRAP 10 deadlifts5 lunge, lunge, squat complex5 push press 9min AMRAP 10 floor press10 sit ups10 mountain climbers
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For the most up-to-date news about possible snow/power outage closures, follow our Instagram and Facebook! We’ll also do our best to email/text those who are enrolled in canceled classes. Want to workout from home? Register for an online class here!
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 10 Sit-Ups10 Pineapple Pickers20 Mountain Climbers Strength/Skill Every Two Minutes for 10 Minutes: Deadlift x 5 Reps WOD Complete 2, 4 Minute AMRAPs: 5 Toes-to-Bar10 Burpees Rest 2 Minutes Between Each ______________________________________________________________________________ Sweat Workout Warm up 3 Sets: 20 jacks10 pineapple pickers3 inchworms5 air squats WOD Repeat twice 5 min. AMRAP1/2 man maker50’ farmer carry 5min AMRAP5 thrusters10 push ups
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Warm-Up 3 Sets: 10 PVC OHS10 PVC Pass-through Lunges3 Inchworms5 Power Jumps Strength/Skill Every 90 Seconds For 9 Minutes (6 Sets): Back Squat x 4 Reps @70-75% WOD Every 90 Seconds For 9 Minutes (6 Sets): Power Snatch or Snatch x 3 RepsBox Jumps OR Step-ups x 6 Reps
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