Wednesday 11/21/2018

Thanksgiving Schedule:

Thursday – 9:30 AM
Friday – 8:30 am (Sweat Class), 9:30 am, 3:30 pm
Saturday – 8:00 am, 9:00 am

Sign-up to be on our Jingle Bell Run team HERE!

Dungeness & Octopi


Split Jerk Footwork

-Chalk feet jumping and landing positions
-Perform 10 perfect reps without any weight
-Perform 5-10 reps with bar or light weight


Complete 4 Sets of:

1 Hang Clean Above Knee + 2 Jerks @ 65-70% (Base the 1RM off your lowest between the clean & the Jerk)


Complete 3 sets, not for time:

Strict Pull-ups x 5-10 Reps
Supine Barbell Row X 6 Reps @21×1
Banded Hamstring Curl X 25 Reps
Banded Triceps Extensions, double bands x 25 Reps