Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row 3 Sets: :15 HS or plank hold100 Meter single arm farmer carry3 Inchworms10 Box step downs Strength/Skill 4 Sets: Bar hang x max timeBarbell row x 6D-ball carry x 100 meters WOD 12 Minute AMRAP: 20 Alternating DB snatch 50/3520 Single DB box step-up 20″ box20 Sit-ups
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Warm-Up 1:00 bike10 pineapple pikers20 walking lunges1:00 row:15 HS hold or plank:20 bar hang1:00 ski10 inchworms10 it-ups WOD “Mikko’s Triangle” EMOM for 39 minutes1 minute Row1 minute SkiErg1 minute Assault Bike1 minute Rest -Set a target number of calories to a number which will be challenging to hold each minute for the entire workout.-Score is the total number of calories completed.-Get off each machine by :45 to transition the next.
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Warm-Up 2 Minute Bike or Row 3 Sets: 10 Ring rows10 Sampson lunges5 Bottoms up KB press/arm20 Banded pull-aparts Strength/Skill Push press 4-4-4-4 @80% WOD Complete the following for time: 15-12-9-6-3 Hang Power Cleans 95/65Thrusters Compare to:8/15/2022
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Warm-up 2:00 Bike, row, ski 3 sets: 3 Lunge matrix/side:15 Bar hang10 KB deadlifts Strength/Skill Back squat 5 70%4 75%3 80%3 85%2 90% WOD 10 Minute AMRAP: 10 Push-ups15 KBS 53/3510 Toe-to-bar
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WOD Teams of two, complete an 18 Minute AMRAP: 400 Meter Run5 Push jerks 135/9510 Burpees15 Air squats -Partner one runs while partner two completes as many reps of the work as possible. When partner one returns alternate and pick-up where partner two left off.
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