Tuesday 8/13/2019



3 Sets, Not for Time:

Strict C2B Pull-Ups x 5-10 Reps
Hollow Hold x 15-30 Seconds
DB Bench Press, Neutral Grip x 10 Reps


3 Sets, Not for Time:

Strict Ring to Sternum Pull-ups, False Grip x 3-5 Reps
Hollow Hold x 30 Seconds
DB Bench Press, Neutral Grip x 10 Reps


Complete the Following for Time:

20/15 Hand Release Push-Ups
12 Power Cleans 155/105
40 Air Squats
15/12 Hand Release Push-Ups
10 Power Cleans 155/105
20 Air Squats
10/8 Hand Release Push-Ups
8 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Air Squats

13 Minute Time Cap