Tuesday 2/26/2019



Complete 3 Rounds, not for time:

Alternating DB Box Step-Ups x 10 Reps
Rope Pulls from Ground x 2-3 Reps
Wall Walks x 2-3 Reps


Complete 3 Rounds, not for time:

Alternating Pistols x 10 Reps
Rope Climbs x 2-3 Reps
HS Walk x max distance


Dungeness & Octopi

Complete 4 Sets for Max Reps:

30 Sec of Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Sec of C2B Pull-Ups
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Sec of Straight Leg Sit-Ups
Rest 30 Seconds