Strength/Skill Dungeness Complete 4 sets the following, not for time: High Box Jumps x 3 Reps (Step down and reset between each rep) Ring Push-ups x 10-15 Reps Toes-to-Post x 5-10 Reps Octopi Complete 4 sets the following, not for time: High Box Jumps x 3 Reps (Step down and reset between each rep) Ring Push-ups x 10-15 Reps Strict Toes-to-Bar x 5-10 Reps WOD Dungneness EMOM for 16 Minutes (8 Sets): Deadlifts x 5 Reps 275/190 DB Push Press x 5-7 Reps 50/35 Octopi EMOM for 16 Minutes (8 Sets): Deadlifts x 5 Reps 275/190 Strict HSPU x 5-7 Reps
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