Tuesday 2/20/2018

Thursday night we kick-off the 2018 Open season! Our Live 18.1 announcement will be featuring a head-to-head match-up between two South Kitsap Firefighters, who will be completing the workout in bunker gear as a fundraising effort for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s 27th Annual Scott Firefighter Stairclimb! Both Ed and Andy will be accepting donations at the announcement. You can donate to each of them by clicking their links below:

Ed’s donation page

Andy’s donation page

Strength/ Skill


3 rounds not for time:

OH Plate Sit-ups x 10-20 reps
Barbell row x 6 reps
DB Push press x 7 reps


3 rounds not for time:

OH Plate Sit-ups x 10-20 reps
Barbell row x 6 reps
HSPU x max reps


Dungeness & Octopi

Complete 3 sets for max reps:

30 Seconds of DB Snatches 50/35
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of Burpee box jumps 24/20
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of Wall balls 20/14
Rest 30 Seconds
30 Seconds of Rowing for calories
Rest 30 Seconds